No matter how hard it gets, life really is awesome.

No matter how hard it gets, life really is awesome.

Everyone has a story.   Everyone has obstacles to overcome.

Everyone can only feel what they feel.

And everyone copes in their own way.

No two people feel the exact same thing, but there is a universal core to all of us, and it is this core that makes us laugh at the same things, cry at the same thing, and share and understand both suffering and joy

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Big Changes are Scary.

So, if you haven't been watching my constant status changes on Facebook, then you have no clue what's been happening in my life. Is it sad that the only way to keep informed in though a social media device instead of in person? Well, anyways, back to me (:D). This blog entry is gonna bring you up to speed on what's been happening thus far. We're only going back a couple of years cuz really, my life was pretty awesome until then. As we all know, the recession has hit everyone really hard. We film folk (I was an Assistant Director [AD] in the TV/Film industry not too long ago) were not exempt from it. In fact, if you weren't working like a dog, you didn't work at all.

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