A post about my cat, Jazz. No, this really will be an interesting topic. :)

Let's start off that I've been avoiding blogging about this because, even though I'm acting fine about it, it's something that I'm still dealing with (on top of everything else). Jazz, my ginger tabby, was diagnosed with Leukemia last week. She's not young, she's middle-aged in kitty years, and she's been mine for the last 2 1/2 out of her 8 years. 

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Big Changes are Scary.

So, if you haven't been watching my constant status changes on Facebook, then you have no clue what's been happening in my life. Is it sad that the only way to keep informed in though a social media device instead of in person? Well, anyways, back to me (:D). This blog entry is gonna bring you up to speed on what's been happening thus far. We're only going back a couple of years cuz really, my life was pretty awesome until then. As we all know, the recession has hit everyone really hard. We film folk (I was an Assistant Director [AD] in the TV/Film industry not too long ago) were not exempt from it. In fact, if you weren't working like a dog, you didn't work at all.

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Hello World! I'm now a blogger! whoohoo!

Well, here is where we begin. "We" meaning me: blogging (really?!), and you: reading all the cool and fascinating things that I have to blog about.  haha. Let's start with why I'm beginning to blog. Well, the whole self esteem thing I guess. Perhaps with the hope that people may actually have an interest in my life, that my life has some sort of value and I have or will somehow make an impact somewhere. yada yada, that kind of thing.

I won't get all deep in this first blog (well, mostly because I have an appointment), and I may never get that deep, because I'm an actor (just kidding, and we'll get into how deep actors are in another blog entry).

So I hope you keep reading!

Toodles for now.